Pudimos ir observando las distintas etapas pictóricas de Ramón Gaya y conocimos más detalles sobre su estilo artístico. Nuestra guía nos fue narrando acontecimientos de la vida del pintor y así pudimos ir estableciendo una relación entre dichos acontecimientos y sus cuadros. Por otra parte, aprendimos que Ramón Gaya era un pintor al cual le gustaba replicar cuadros y pequeños detalles de otros pintores, especialmente de Velázquez.
Finalizamos la visita viendo una colección de cuadros del pintor inspirados en Murcia. En definitiva, todos coincidimos en que la visita fue idónea para llegar a conocer mejor un pintor de nuestra propia ciudad; pero no solo eso, la visita nos sirvió para aprender más cultura de nuestro país y más cultura pictórica.
Laura Martínez-Romero López. 1º Bch. F
On the fifth of February 2019, the students of 1ºBachillerato F went to the museum Ramón Gaya, located in the city centre. There, a visit through the museum took place, going from a short introductory video, to admiring the vast variety of painting techniques from the artist.
As the students began to walk into the museum, awe and bewilderment crept into everyone, leaving a startled crowd in the entrance. When everyone was quietly seated, the guide assistant proceeded to show a recording of an interview that was made to Ramón Gaya, showing the students how his life had been. After finishing the video, the guided tour started.
The museum was, in fact, another piece of the exposition itself, as it dated back to the XIX century. After 10 years of hard work and many obstacles, the town hall decided that a building from this age would be a perfect host to some of the most astonishing artwork made by a painter who was scarcely known. The house is divided into sections, each one representing a period of the painter. On the first floor, the early stages of his life are shown, from his first painting to a copy of “Los fusilamientos del tres de mayo, by Goya”, a piece of art which he made in order to spread some culture thorough rural areas.
Moving onto the next floor, the students were able to see how the environment heavily influenced the artist, as the pictures turned to a shade of grey. As they moved from floor to floor, the difference was perplexing, with each step they took, the drawings became lighter, with whiter tones and made with quick executions. When they reached the last floor, white had taken over, being in most of the pictures as a background.
After finishing the tour, the students were left a couple of minutes to see the paintings that had had a greater impact on them, as they went down the floors. When there was nothing more to be seen, the students had learned many things about this unknown, yet influential artist.
Lucía Marín Arias. 1º Bch. F